The 8 Days of Shelly-Mas

/, My Life/The 8 Days of Shelly-Mas

The 8 Days of Shelly-Mas

Monday was my birthday!!!!! I started celebrating last Thursday and I just sunset the celebration last night. Yeah, I celebrated my birthday for 8 days like Hanukkah. So sue me. Here’s the birthday week highlight reel:

  1. Went to a lounge with 3 chicks I went to grad school with. Got chased out by the police.
  2. Sang and danced to gospel with a drink in my hand @ the same lounge.
  3. Told a dude my name was “Unavailable & Taken”. His response was “Both?”
  4. Witnessed a mother with a crying baby in a movie theater curse another woman for complaining and say something to the effect of “Maybe if you hadn’t had so many abortions you would understand that kids cry.” Yeah. And before you blame Baltimore for this, know that I was in DC.
  5. Checked out a 98 Kia Optima with TVs in both headrests. BOSS!
  6. Went to my 10-year high school reunion and felt really damn old.
  7. Responded to every single facebook happy birthday message. Facebook sure does know how to make a girl feel loved.
  8. Took my mom with me to a poetry open mic. And did a poem that was “mom-friendly”. This was much to the dismay of a few gentleman who had seen me doing something more “adult” the week. They gave me some sad faces but everyone else had positive feedback.
  9. Visited bougie places like jazz clubs and breakfast spots that serve Mimosas. Then talked loudly and got called out for it. Apparently educated black women got shit to say – LOUDLY. #shoutout to Dr. A.
  10. Let some white woman paint mud all over my body, wrap me in plastic and foil, heat it up, and then wash it off. I don’t think this actually did anything for my skin but it sure made me feel special.
By | 2013-07-24T10:26:02+00:00 November 18th, 2011|Lists, My Life|0 Comments