Damn you, ManLaw!

/, Relationships/Damn you, ManLaw!

Damn you, ManLaw!

This is a conversation I had with a male acquaintance about another male acquaintance:

Him:  Jack and I have been friends since high school. How do you know him?

Me: Oh, I know his fiance’.

Him: Fiance?!?!?!? They must not have been together long.

Me: They’ve been together almost 10 years.

Him: Huh? I’ve never seen her at……Actually, I’m gonna stop talking now.


Manlaw: End convo before you incriminate anyone.


Now this here illustrates the difference between men and woman. Men know when to STFU. A woman would have given me the SCOOP. And boy, did I want to hear it! But I guess this brotha new enough about #ManLaw to quit before he got someone in trouble. Nonetheless, I’m now forever certain that “Jack” ain’t shit!

Now, I do think the brotha was right to end conversation at that moment. But I was just left feeling sad. And it reminded me that men are conditioned to cover each other’s dirt; usually the expense of women. Women, by comparison, are trained to uncover dirt and make sure everyone else knows they did. This is also usually at the expense of other women.

Fellas, just how far does #manlaw go? Is there a point when you know your boy is just so dead ass wrong you refuse to help him?

By | 2011-10-23T04:30:10+00:00 October 23rd, 2011|My Life, Relationships|3 Comments